• Cloning, Part 3

    Now that we’ve covered what cloning is and why it should (or shouldn’t) be considered in your SciFi story, I think it would behoove us to look at two examples of how cloning has been used well…and not so well. A caveat to this blog post before we dive right...

  • Cloning, Part 2

    The Villain raises their arms high. “Bow before me and my army of clones! Together, we shall rule the world-“ “Sorry, quick question?” “And all shall kneel- wait, are you raising your hand? Uh…sure. You in the front. What’s your question?” “Why clones?” “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I...

  • Cloning, Part 1

    Cloning: a concept SciFi authors have use since time immemorial. Clones have become almost a staple of science fiction stories, functioning as either a plot twist or a worldbuilding aspect. And rightly so: clones challenge our concept of self. The idea that someone could share our DNA, our biological fingerprint...

  • Why Science?

    Science is magic. Actually, no, it isn’t. Scratch that. Nope. Definitely not. But people tend to write science like it’s magic. You have a DNA sample? Fantastic! We’ll throw it into a lab and we’ll use it to track down the murderer. Need to hack into the FBI system? Give...