• If You Eat A Mermaid...

    ”If you eat a mermaid, is it cannibalism?” ”Doesn’t it depend on which part you ate?” ”What? No! Just because you ate the part that ‘looked fishy’ doesn’t mean you didn’t eat a mermaid! You have to determine if eating any portion of the mermaid is cannibalistic!” ”Then the next...

  • Viruses- Part 3

    “OH NO! They’ve been bitten by the infected! What do we do?!” “Relax. The incubation time for viruses is at least a day or two, most longer. We’ve got time.” “But we could be next!” “Okay… Have you been bitten?” “No?” “Did you remove your facemask? Forget to wash your...

  • Viruses- Part 2

    Normally, this is where I put a funny little dialogue intro. But, as we are in the midst of a pandemic as I write this, I think it would be pertinent to clarify some things before we start (not only as writing tips, but also as a public service announcement):...

  • How to Talk Science

    “I utilized the Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis to isolate the polypeptide of interest, which I then scrutinized with the protein immunoblot protocol…” “Dude, what are you talking about?” “…I ran an SDS Gel to separate our conglomeration of proteins and then I examined the protein using antibodies-” “I...

  • Viruses- Part 1

    “Are viruses, in your opinion, alive?” The question hung in the air. The lab tech leaned back in her chair, chewed the end of her pen pensively, and then asked, “How do we mean ‘alive?’ Do we mean literally? Metaphorically?” The visitor squinted in confusion. “Literally, I suppose?” “Well,” The...

  • How to Write a Scientist- Part 1

    “Dr. Doe, we need you to examine this patient! They are sick with a new virus, and you’re their only hope.” “What in the heck am I supposed to do for them? I’ve never touched a patient before.” “But you’re a doctor! It’s in your title!” “Yeah, but not that...

  • Cloning, Part 3

    Now that we’ve covered what cloning is and why it should (or shouldn’t) be considered in your SciFi story, I think it would behoove us to look at two examples of how cloning has been used well…and not so well. A caveat to this blog post before we dive right...

  • Cloning, Part 2

    The Villain raises their arms high. “Bow before me and my army of clones! Together, we shall rule the world-“ “Sorry, quick question?” “And all shall kneel- wait, are you raising your hand? Uh…sure. You in the front. What’s your question?” “Why clones?” “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I...